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Re: Sean Spicer of the RNC wants you to believe that the OWS is ant-Semitic

Posted by streetcarman1 on Wed Oct 19 14:59:33 2011, in response to Should the Jews be run out of the country?, posted by orange blossom special on Wed Oct 19 10:15:55 2011.

This came from the memo that this communication director of the GOP sent out yesterday. I can HONESTLY state that I saw no such hatred at Zuccotti Park. I went there on Columbus Day and saw no such signs or anyone voicing such hatred.

Here is the loser's memo:

OWS Anti-Semitism: Where’s the Outrage?
18October 2011

Posted by: Sean Spicer, Communications Director

To: Interested Parties
From: Sean Spicer, @seanspicer
Re: OWS Anti-Semitism: Where's the Outrage?
Date: October 18, 2011

Democratic leaders have spent the last week championing the “Occupy Wall Street” movement, yet in the midst of protestors’ extreme anti-Semitic, anti-Israel comments, they’ve been silent.

Where’s the outrage? While protestors are seen spewing hate against Jewish Americans, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz have declared their support for the demonstrations. Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chair Steve Israel even circulated a petition saying he’s “standing with” Occupy Wall Street.

Is Steve Israel standing with those calling for the killing of Jews? Does Debbie Wasserman Schultz agree with the various calls for Jews to be “run out of this country” and to oppose and "destroy" the state of Israel?

Democrats were quick to single out any instances of perceived extremism among Tea Party supporters, but with Occupy Wall Street, they turn a blind eye. President Obama claimed last weekend that Martin Luther King would support the demonstrations. But surely Dr. King would have called out these ugly displays of bigotry.

Read more: http://www.gop.com/index.php/S=4ae8430923ca7a5d4b7da79ef63553fa/comms/comments/ows_anti-semitism_wheres_the_outrage/#ixzz1bFuLhH6p


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