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Re: Most Dangerous Cities For Pedestrians

Posted by orange blossom special on Fri Aug 19 17:42:00 2011, in response to Re: Most Dangerous Cities For Pedestrians, posted by LuchAAA on Fri Aug 19 04:13:25 2011.

I used to do parts of that too, Clearwater Beach is good for a walk if you're not all that far away. But in August and September...eh.

We miss walking in Minneapolis for the reasons you cited. I fully agree with you. I had wondered if Miami is easier in general, although like the other places you have to drive to walk.

There's really a combination of issues that make it all unwalkable, there isn't a silver bullet. Ever since they invented the commute things have moved this way. And then the immigration from NY and Latin America, and the icky design of society.

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