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Re: Most Dangerous Cities For Pedestrians

Posted by Easy on Fri Aug 19 10:58:33 2011, in response to Re: Most Dangerous Cities For Pedestrians, posted by AlM on Fri Aug 19 08:47:52 2011.

It's not even as simple as that. The distance between lights in many sunbelt cities, especially in Florida, can be a mile or more apart. It's sometimes setup so that you either have to walk miles to cross the street, take your life in your hands by crossing with cars traveling 50+ mph that do not stop or slow down for pedestrians, or drive across the street.

I've mentioned before that I once stayed in a hotel in Tampa that was across the street from a restaurant. The intersection was controlled, but they had neglected to install crosswalks or pedestrian signals. In order to cross I had to wait for the green for cars which was not only not long enough for pedestrians, but the cars did not stop and were turning in front and behind me while I was in the intersection. It was pretty scary. At another hotel in Pasco County I was at a hotel on a very busy street with lots of businesses without a car and there was literally nowehere to safely cross for miles in either direction. It's just insane. They really discourage pedestrians.


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