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Re: South African rugby player allegedly goes on axe-murdering rampage after daughter's rape

Posted by JayMan on Sun Apr 3 12:17:00 2011, in response to Re: South African rugby player allegedly goes on axe-murdering rampage after daughter's rape, posted by LuchAAA on Sat Apr 2 12:44:48 2011.

Because people like you always make it an issue to win an argument. Remember when Starbucks was a civil rights issue and the CEO had to meet with black leaders and promise to open some locations in black neighborhoods?

I'll direct you to a post I made on ABCNews.com talking about the effects of statistics:

I’m sure the author of this article clearly wanted to say a lot of things that he could not or would not say for various reasons. But this is an excellent treatment of the effects of a partial overlap on bell curves – notably, greater disparity on the extremes. As Larry Summers pointed out while president of Harvard (and subsequently fired over), this may explain the dearth of women at top posts – for IQ, while the mean is the same for both sexes, the standard deviation for males is larger. This would mean proportionally more men at both ends of the IQ curve. This would naturally lead to more male eminent scientists and is possibly part of the reason they are more male heads of Fortune 500 companies. (Ladies take heart, because this cuts both ways: there are many more males in special education classes as well.) As far as racial differences are concerned, for reasons that are not yet completely clear, there is a disparity between the mean IQ’s of different groups, blacks and Latinos scoring worse than whites, who score lower than East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews. This would, on its own, lead to the underrepresentation in blacks and Latinos in prestigious occupations, though no doubt other forces such as poverty are at play. This is why it is so important to understand statistics before one enacts policies meant to alleviate any perceived inequalities.

(As an addendum the mean IQ of the sexes is not the same as it seems men do have a 5 point advantage.)

I'd disagree with a lot of the actions of black advocacy groups (such as doing away with testing for law enforcement or fire/rescue because blacks can't make the grade).

So, why is someone who is as racially charged as yourself, dating a white female. Speaks volumes about your opinion of black females.

I never made it a secret that I am, in general, not attracted to black women. But then, I am a mixed-breed of at least three different racial groups, who knows what the source of the trait is.

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