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Re: Howard Beach Photos (Re: Texas GOP platform: criminalize gay marriage and ban sodomy, outlaw strip )

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Feb 10 08:20:23 2011, in response to Re: Howard Beach Photos (Re: Texas GOP platform: criminalize gay marriage and ban sodomy, outlaw strip ), posted by LuchAAA on Thu Feb 10 07:59:23 2011.

Yes, that is true too. I never said "I" would take the Auto Train, but my reasoning in the other post must explain why some do.

I take the plane most of the time if I go to Florida, but have driven many times too. When I drive, it's usually because I don't want to be held to the airline schedule either (I can leave whatever day I want from NY....or Florida when I drive), and not at the mercy of having to be at the airport any specific time or day. But of course, it's still basically two days wasted, as opposed to a few hours.


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