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Re: Howard Beach Photos (Re: Texas GOP platform: criminalize gay marriage and ban sodomy, outlaw strip )

Posted by LuchAAA on Wed Feb 9 02:28:00 2011, in response to Re: Howard Beach Photos (Re: Texas GOP platform: criminalize gay marriage and ban sodomy, outlaw strip ), posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Feb 9 01:56:20 2011.

You hit the nail on the head. "Cultures".

My friend lives in the apartment complex at 116th Street and Curzon in Richmond Hill, just blocks from legendary Chat photographer RPanse.

The apartment complex is mostly Hispanic now. At first, it was Jewish, with Russians and gays moving in over the years. They have been replaced by Hispanics. Pitbulls. Loud music, especially during the summer.

Not all Hispanics are into all that stuff, but when you have about 300 apartments and rent 1/2 to Hispanics, you're going to get the loud music, pitbull types, which can make even the most tolerant liberal want to move.

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