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Re: Time: those darned Jews care too much about money to pursue peace

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Sep 10 14:39:28 2010, in response to Re: Time: those darned Jews care too much about money to pursue peace, posted by Scorpio7 on Fri Sep 10 14:23:20 2010.

How can you be an occupying power in your own country? The West Bank is part of Israel, period. Who started the Six Day War and then lost land to Israel, who? There was never a country called Palestine anyway. it was land ruled be the Jews in Biblical times but in modern times was ruled by Turkey then Britain, a land where Jews and Arabs coexisted for years until the partition by the U.N. when the Arabs immediately went to war with Israel. Telling the settlers they have to leave the West Bank is akin to the nazis telling the Jews they have to leave certain sections of Warsaw and move into a ghetto.
The only reason the Israelis even are negotiating is because they are willing to compromise for peace, something the Arabs will never do.
And just for the record, lest you call me bigoted, I am for the Ground Zero Mosque, but when it comes to Israel I'm not into revisionist history.
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