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Re: Food police conduct armed raid of organic grocery store

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Jul 26 17:38:56 2010, in response to Re: Food police conduct armed raid of organic grocery store, posted by The Flxible Neofan on Mon Jul 26 14:00:48 2010.

THe story seems confusing for some folks so we should break it down to argue this better. Because this one seems like it makes a good precident.

The store is a members only store. So assuming these ppl know what they are buying. It seems like a private club now. Private clubs should be exempt from annoying public good dealings unless it incubates something that spreads to the general population.

Secondly, they were raided for lack of permits. Permits exist only for gov't revenue. I don't know how many people here ever tried to be self-employed, thought about it, or pay attention, but it's rediculous what they put on people to force them out of business. With every added regulation, only the rich are allowed to work.

Thirdly, these are obviously leftist nutcases. Ultra organic. Ultra-leftist nutcases like to go on about factory farms and pasterization. I know there's a lot of fresh meat ppl out there, but sheesh. If you want fresh and organic, go for it I say.

I want to know if they really had their guns drawn for lack of a bleeping permit and the filing fee.

discuss. If it's not engandered or contaminating the general food supply, should it really be shut down??


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