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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by UWS Greg on Mon Mar 28 17:43:21 2005, in response to Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by brooklynQB on Mon Mar 28 13:10:01 2005.

WOW! What a question, bro. Somebody might put all these resonss together and get a PhD diss. out of it.

Lemme throw my two centimes in. The "individuality" mentioned in so many posts here has a real downside. I mean, total bummer. As a nation accustomed to asking only "what's good for ME," we are almost unable to ask "what's good for US," i.e. as a nation, as a people, as a community.

Good example: getting funding for public transit (an US issue) always takes a back seat to highway funding (a ME issue). We tend to vote for what benefits ME, rarely US.

Europe, of course, approaches these questions differently. Even in a city with a vibrant night life like Paris, subways and most other public transit stop around 12 or 1 a.m. A handful of oddballs might use the system at 2am but MOST of US ride at more sensible hours-- so we'll close the sytem for a few hours so that most of US (not just a handful of ME's) can benefit from a well-maintained system.

Of course, most US cities close their transit late nights. But that's just an economic thing, nothing to do with the "community."

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