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Re: Live From Madison Square Garden

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Oct 28 06:44:05 2024, in response to Re: Live From Madison Square Garden, posted by 3-9 on Mon Oct 28 06:05:38 2024.

You already know the answer.
Trump supporters are so use to " gaslighting folks", that even with the Proof of GASLIGHTING right in their faces,they'll LIE, STRAIGHT FACED TO YOU.

These people have No moral.
Suffer from extreme anxiety, worried horribly, suffering from " Every thing belongs to me, and I don't want to share" syndrome.
They let a fraudulent hustler sell them crap,even the kitchen sink.

He is " Game tight,a liar exterminator.who is always prowling around for fresh meat.

These people (still wondering why they are PEOPLE,When clearly they are something else) bottom basic in the "self esteem department" were pretty easy for Trump to manipulate And manage.

All it takes is a healthy dose of RHETORIC,ALONG WITH A HEFTY AMOUNT OF BIGOTRY, FALSE PROMISES,A BIT OF GRIEVANCE MESSAGING, AND WALLA, you have a potential murderous felon on hand to do anything you tell them to.
Isn't it wonderful?

Just asking them a question Could get you killed


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