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The Case Against Early Voting in America

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Oct 25 09:39:15 2024

The CNN Town Hall hosted by Anderson Cooper, while it didn't show kamala harris in the best light, did expose the fallacy of early voting. Imagine sitting in front of your TV watching Anderson Cooper pitch softball questions to kamala and even after 48 hours of preparation and practice, she missed every one. Then you realize that 2 days earlier, you voted for that ignorant piece of shit. If you had only known....

I'm sure that many of the early kamala voters who saw that abortion of an interview are experiencing "early voter's remorse". Even the usually supportive CNN personalities seem to have turned on kamala - none of them having anything complimentary to say about her performance. Oh well, there's always piglet and AlM to add a kind word for their queen.


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