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Re: louis farrakhan (salaams leader) suing the whiny ADL

Posted by Edwards! on Sat Oct 21 23:50:22 2023, in response to Re: louis farrakhan (salaams leader) suing the whiny ADL, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Oct 21 22:17:33 2023.


See That there?
This is exactly what I mentioned concerning the Spirit Of Religion.

Do You honestly believe that because you believe Turkey is Islamic, that That would serve a deep purpose in the Real world?

Stupid is as stupid does,boy
You better go back and Read Torah, Then get back here and tell the class what you learned.

But just in case you don't, here something to chew on.

Satan himself created Religion, and placed the Spirit Of Religion/Deception behind it,to Enforce it.

A thinking person would consider these things..
Why would he do something like that, and put God as the object of worship?

Well, let's see.
Religion is all about Worship, right?
True Christianity is the Focus of Jesus, his life, his Promises, his words and deeds, and his desire for man to follow his examples.

God has the Holy Spirit in the World to support the Word of God, through Action and accountability.

You follow so far?

As "The Devil", acting in opposition to the Word of God,had to set up a "Counterfeit system" to draw as many people away from the TRUE PATH to God.

So What does he do?

Establish counter "religion", with similar edicts, but lacking the One thing that is needed.
Many churches,many 'faiths',many teachings..many denominations...All saying They are the Only way to God.

You still there?

Even with all of that, he still wasn't done.
He established a group that questioned the very existence of God.. using God's own methodology (Scientific abilities), in an effort to convince humanity that God is a figment of night terrors, and the Devil a story to make children obedient to parents.

He created Humanist, to Eliminate God, and Elevate themselves..on exactly the same manner that lead him to be punished for his actions.

In this manner, the More confusion over FAITH, the more confused patrons, the Less understanding of the Word, and the more deception being spread out amongst the people looking for God.

How is it possible for a country to go from killing "Christians",to fully embracing a "similar faith" in a relatively short period of time?
And how was it possible for so many Other "religions" to flow out of this one so quickly?

And How did the Humanist movement gain so much headway during the 19th century..?

You good so far?

I keep reminding folks here, that I Know exactly Who I am... What I am... and Why I am.

I have Knowledge of Self, and that is a Blessing from the Creator.

I Know Who you are, What You are... And Why You are.

So, for Future references, consider what I have disclosed, before trying to bring me to task.



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