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Re: Why hasn't there been more outrage about a member of congress promoting 2004 election conspiracies?

Posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jun 30 15:56:06 2022, in response to Re: Why hasn't there been more outrage about a member of congress promoting 2004 election conspiracies?, posted by Train Dude on Thu Jun 30 15:42:32 2022.

Roberts was not suggesting we do away with things like access to contraception that Justice Thomas suggested in his Dobbs concurrence or was not suggesting we throw out decades of precedent or declare an act of Congress or the Executive Branch unconstituational only because a Justice thinks he/she knows more than those who came before him/her. If the Supreme Court Justices want to legislate, let them run for Congress.

Also after Roberts's bizarre concurrence to save the Affordable Care Act, plenty of Republican commentators were calling for his head, calling him a traitor, demanding he be impeached, etc. Although not a Supreme Court case, similar things were said about Republican appointee District Judge John E. Jones III formerly of Middle District of Pennsylvania in Kitzmiller. Jones actually required Secret Service protection because of death threats he received.


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