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Re: Useless Comcast customer service calls…

Posted by orange blossom special on Sun Jan 7 11:12:08 2007, in response to Useless Comcast customer service calls…, posted by JohnL on Sat Jan 6 22:53:08 2007.

Wasn't a story posted on this board about Comcast taking over adelphia? I remember reading something about people's cable modems were out for weeks and they couldn't figure it out! During the changeover.

At least you didn't get one of the foul mouthed technicians that'll cuss at you if you need them to move their truck so you can go to work. I'm happy that I live in a BrightHouse.

*Ramone promised me a call from a supervisor, about 20 minutes ago. Still waiting.*

I've had this with credit cards. They don't call back, and when you do, they pretend there's no record of you calling. And that's if the bank doesn't just hang up on you after illegally changing your address and billing you! But that's another vent. :)

I don't think you're covering unchartered waters in their cust service.


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