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Re: Rank our biggest national threats

Posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Sun Mar 29 19:44:44 2020, in response to Rank our biggest national threats, posted by Easy on Sun Mar 29 16:13:04 2020.

Currently (as in, this week):
(1) Pandemic. This has subsections:
(a) Social isolation triggered suicide / domestic violence
(b) Media generating fear and societal unrest
(c) China actively trying to undermine the west's response to position themselves better economically.

In the next few months:
(1) Economic unrest triggering riots and looting (already happening in Italy). This will force us down one of two equally bad paths.
Path 1:
(a) Crimes committed by the thousands of criminals released to de-crowd prisons.
(b) Right wing extremism dealing with the above [street militias]
Path 2: Martial Law

(2) Calls for socialism by the ignorant.
(3) Cold War with China.

I am not worried about international terrorism after ISIS issued a directive to not Jihad in Europe due to the virus. I assume since that article was written that directive has been expanded to the US.


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