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Re: I値l take the grand

Posted by AlM on Sat Mar 21 19:49:18 2020, in response to Re: I値l take the grand, posted by SLRT on Sat Mar 21 18:19:03 2020.

But it could have survived quite a while after 1860. I agree that political pressure in the north and Britain would have had those countries eventually put very high tariffs on southern goods, and the Confederacy would have needed to be a police state to keep slaves from escaping to the north or west. The north's navy would also block any attempt at a resumption of the slave trade.

And internally within the Confederacy, slavery would have seen competition from cheap hired labor, and also many citizens would have seen it as a system benefiting the landowning classes only while keeping non-slave owners poor.

But those forces could have taken decades before the Confederacy gave up on slavery.

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