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Re: Laryngitis

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Mon Nov 13 23:16:58 2006, in response to Re: Laryngitis, posted by David of Broadway on Mon Nov 13 23:09:23 2006.

I also had homemade chicken. There was a lot of juice in the bottom of the pan, and I didn't want it to go to waste.

Ah yes, that is good. When I roast a chicken, the juices are the best part. I usually make a gravy out of it, but soup is not a bad idea!

Yeah, since my laryngitis was sort of self induced (through stupidity), I also felt fine, but just lost my voice. It was a strange case of laryngitis, as anytime I had it before, (I get it once every four years or so) it was always a cold or something that caused it. I was a bit worried with the plaster dust induced case I had back in Jan, as I didn't know if it would go away by itself, but I guess it did after the plaster dust disipated.

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