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Re: Laryngitis

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Mon Nov 13 22:24:27 2006, in response to Re: Laryngitis, posted by David of Broadway on Mon Nov 13 22:17:05 2006.

Trust me, the apple cider vinegar really works, it'll make you feel a lot better, and it will help your voice, even if temporarily. Garggle with it before you swallow too.
Out of all the remedies I read about (I think I did a google search to find out about the apple vinegar), it worked the best. It certainly worked for me. Again, it's not a miracle remedy, but it may be the difference between not being able to talk at all (like what happened to me), and at least talking a bit for a little while. In my job, I am on the phone a lot, so it was a lifesaver for at least a fraction of a productive work day anyway.

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