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Re: Sarah Huckabee Sanders kicked out of Virginia restaurant by owner

Posted by bingbong on Sun Jun 24 11:50:37 2018, in response to Re: Sarah Huckabee Sanders kicked out of Virginia restaurant by owner, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jun 24 01:03:46 2018.

No, it isn’t t, especially in this kind of case. Did she have her kids with her? That,s not in the story. "Farm to table" establishments are sophisticated dining restaurants, they don't come with petting zoos. A party like that can ruin the entire atmosphere of the place, even permanently if word gets out that her kids ran amuck at the place.

Face it, you nor I know what kind of parents she and her husband are. And it's quite possible they're not disciplining their kids to behave well in situations like a fine dining restaurant, especially given their ages (quite young, she mentioned one was in kindergarten which makes them 5or 6). So there could well be actual legitimate reasons for her being turned away and she decided to make the rest up. After all, when you spend 40+ hours a week delivering lies, it becomes part of one’s mindset and becomes easier.


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