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Re: Does Iran Already Have a Nuke?

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Aug 29 23:23:30 2006, in response to Re: Does Iran Already Have a Nuke?, posted by WillD on Tue Aug 29 16:16:03 2006.

First of all, you can thank Bill Clinton and Madeline Halfbright for the North Korean nuclear threat. Bill Clinton gave north Korea US nuclear technology with no strings attached. As for Iran, I thik you need to thank the soviets and chinese and stop using politicizing Iran's nuclear program to to bash the current president.

The soviets have been secretly and not so secretly arming Iran for nearly 2 decades. They have even sold Iran 6 Kilo class submarines over the last decade or so. Iran has copied this technology and has even begun to produce its own Ghadir class submarines.

But most apparent is your lack of understanding at to why Iran would be such a nuclear threat. I doubt that Iran would directly use nuclear weapons directly. Most US and international military and political experts agree. The danger in Iran developing a nuclear capability lies in the probability that they'd share the nuclear technology with terrorist groups that share their insane goals. As we've seen in their recent arming of Hezbullah, Iran would rather have their thug proxy soldiers do the fighting for them and supply the arms to help them meet their political objectives.


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