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Re: One of these presidents...

Posted by #4 Sea Beach Fred on Fri Aug 28 23:14:59 2015, in response to Re: One of these presidents..., posted by Olog-hai on Fri Aug 28 20:32:33 2015.

I consider myself a Lincoln Republican, but that doesn't mean I am a Rino. I believe in personal responsibility, more local control, shrinking the federal government, defunding Planned Parenthood, I want a muscular foreign policy that will stand up to terrorists, and I don't want illegals to get citizenship. However, I think their children brought here with their parents should be eligible, I believe strongly in public education and I don't hate unions since I was a union man myself. Please don't try and put me in a box. I was once a Democrat and I despise that party as one of phonies, elitists and people who want to tax citizens to death while they enjoy their perks, send their kids to private schools and live in gated communities. I hope you now have a full picture of me. I am a Republican and proud of it.


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