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Re: People abroad not liking us

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Mon Jan 31 12:56:04 2005, in response to Re: People abroad not liking us, posted by #4 Sea Beach Fred on Mon Jan 31 12:30:17 2005.

"Progress" ... wasn't that a LIBERAL word? I must be getting old, I remember when "progress" meant "improvement" but like all OTHER liberal old mayhem, that's been shoveled into the ashpit of history too. :)

Don't mind me busting your chops, but there's a reason why I can't get over from time to time how you've bought into "sloganism over substance" ... I'm worried that the next thing I hear out of your learned fingers is "two-four-six-eigth, when does sponge Bob masturbate" or some other 1970's democrat turned inside out to the right wing silliness ... after all, today's right wingers are yesterday's "if I grow my hair long I'll get laid" types. (grin)

And Geez ... can SOMEBODY explain Bob Jones? :(

"Forward into yesterday?" why I'd DEFINITELY take that as opposed to the 50's ... the EIGHTEEN 50's. Didja know that the "party" wants wimmen barefoot and pregnant again?" ("Washington's dillema - Row v. wade, heh") ... what HAPPENED to "government getting off the backs of people and into their bedrooms" - whoops ... what HAPPENED to PROPERLY funding our military (instead of tax breaks for people who DON'T need them - armour, that kinda stuff and PAYING the guard and reserve instead of letting Halliburton run up their "deparation debt" like it was some damned student loan?) and PAYING AS WE GO?

Election's over, I bow to the mentality that gave us what we got - Kerry was AHEAD until OSAMA ENDORSED PRESIDENT BUSH ... but gimme a break. Oh wait, you probably ain't been keeping up with the "Social Security Plan" ... didja KNOW that MEDICARE goes WAY up this summer? And Social Security payments are no longer tied to "cost of living" but now, "SALARY INCREASES?" Starts in June with your check THEN ... no more COLA! :)

FYI: Salary increases have gone DOWN across the board (thank the airlines and manufacturing) by 13% this year ... reflected in your upcoming checks. *I* am retired too, though I don't collect from SS until 10 years from now ... but check your "co-payments" lately? In June, through the roof. So please forgive me my "what da fuh?" here, but YOU are about to be *SO* screwed ... as a result, check back with us come late summer and tell us what you think of what you've been spouting once the fan distributes the future, as usual, unevenly. :(

Seriously bro ... there's no liberals up HERE, bears ate them in the 60's ... but y'all are being sold a bill'o'goods, and NO democraps between you and reality ... check it out. :(

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