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Re: People abroad not liking us

Posted by tracksionmotor on Thu Jan 27 21:32:03 2005, in response to Re: People abroad not liking us, posted by Rail Blue on Thu Jan 27 06:55:16 2005.

Diplomacy does not work when others want no part of you. War is a conflict of violence to terminate violence. The liberator is often accused of being the aggressor.

One of my cats would march by me in total oblivion. She would not answer my calls and my mother suggested I take her to the vet because she was deaf...every 'cat language call' of warning caught her attention irregardless of amplitude.

It is the same for the people of Iraq. They are 'deaf' to what has gone about them for decades but are quite aware of the warnings and incidents taking place in their surroundings. The cat eventually showed me recognition...the people of Iraq will eventually show recognition towards the 'free nations' that liberated them from the confines of a hostile government. OUR error is in that WE assume freedom is democracy and OUR democracy is just what they need.

What Iraq needs now is freedom of travel...lots of trainzzz and busssess and carzzz to go wherever they want to because the possession of THAT freedom of travel, lacking for decades, will give them the incentive to stand up on their own and decide what type of government they will accept.

Just think about if they day came you could not travel without pre-certification of your destination and its mode.


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