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Re: DAVE caught in a lie

Posted by Dave on Mon Aug 25 19:00:15 2014, in response to Re: DAVE caught in a lie, posted by streetcarman1 on Mon Aug 25 17:21:42 2014.

Nope. Go back and look at the time stamp on the OP and then on Salaam's reply, Streetie.

Here's my OP. The time stamp is 18:24:20.

 photo Sub1_zps2cf55170.jpg

Here's Salaam's reply. Note the time stamp of my post which he is responding to: 18:24:20. It's my OP wherein I said he should be ashamed of himself. By posting IAWTP, he agreed he should be ashamed of himself.

 photo Sub2_zps84c75757.jpg

Salaam was confused and didn't realize what he was agreeing to. LOL!!

Now, since you obviously are confused yourself, why don't you go sit in a corner and mumble to yourself until bedtime?


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