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Re: Why Do Women Support the Palestinian Cause?

Posted by Nilet on Sun Aug 3 16:06:29 2014, in response to Re: Why Do Women Support the Palestinian Cause?, posted by Olog-hai on Tue Jul 29 14:09:47 2014.

Wow. Even on OTChat, I rarely see such a dense concentration of pure wrong. Let's scratch the surface of it.

1. You think the Soviet Union was left-wing when, in fact, it was a perfect example of a far right dictatorship.

2. You believe the Soviet Union was left-wing in part because you don't know what that word actually means.

3. You also believe the Soviet Union was left-wing in part because the Soviet Union claimed it was communist and you apparently believe anything Big Government says all while screaming about how it's inherently wrong and evil.

4. Despite believing the Soviet Union to be inherently untrustworthy, you believe their declaration that they're communist because you think the Soviet Union couldn't possibly lie.

5. Being a right-winger, the concept of thinking for yourself about complex issues is completely alien to you— an authority tells you what to believe, and you believe it without question. Because believing exactly as you're told is all you've ever known, you assume the left must do it as well.

And so we get this amazing little gem, where you declare that the Soviet Union, who can't be trusted, is left-wing because they say so and they couldn't possibly be lying, therefore everyone on the left must support them because the right considers mindless following to be a virtue and so assumes the left must as well.

I've bookmarked this so I can link back to it every time you feel the need to demonstrate your ignorance on what the terms "left" and "right" mean.

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