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Re: Why Do Jews Vote Democratic?

Posted by Nilet on Sat Jul 19 11:53:22 2014, in response to Re: Why Do Jews Vote Democrat?, posted by mtk52983 on Sat Jul 19 07:29:35 2014.

It's easy to read a history book and say what we should have done— as long as we're doing that, we might as well point out that Hitler probably wouldn't have risen to power had the Allies not screwed Germany under the Treaty of Versailles, and he wouldn't have been in a position to wage a war if the Allies hadn't been willing to let him build up Germany's army and then take territory unchallenged. For that matter, the Treaty of Versailles (and World War 1) never would have happened if people saw the potential consequences of having a massive web of alliances or if governments were willing to investigate the facts behind a murder before assuming that an entire country was responsible for it and declaring war.

Did anybody in America in 1939 know the Holocaust was going to happen? Just because a few million deaths are impossible to ignore doesn't mean they were easy to predict before they happened. The simple fact is that a coordinated genocide campaign on such a massive scale was essentially unthinkable— soldiers liberating the camps were ordered to take photos because otherwise people wouldn't believe the reports that it had happened, so why assume they'd predict it would happen?

If you asked me in 1999, I would refuse to believe that America's government would be torturing political prisoners within my lifetime, let alone within a few years. As such, I can hardly blame people in 1939 for refusing to believe that Germany's government would organise the murders of millions of people within a few years.

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