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Re: North Carolina: Voter fraud under investigation; tighter election security sought

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun May 4 20:56:52 2014, in response to Re: North Carolina: Voter fraud under investigation; tighter election security sought, posted by chicagomotorman on Sun May 4 20:49:44 2014.

Here ya go, bro ... there's a bug in this particular driver. Find it. It's one of our coder tests. :)

module Main where
-- module System.USB.Hexwax
--import Data.Time.Clock

import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Data.ByteString as B hiding (putStrLn, getLine)
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Numeric (showIntAtBase)
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Hexwax as HW
import Text.Printf

main :: IO ()
main = do
hw <- HW.attach
case hw of
Just dev -> do
-- Print the FIRMWAREID response
response <- HW.firmwareId dev
-- Get the USB information printed out
HW.printUsbDeviceInfo2 $ hwhDev dev
-- set output unbuffered we we are using ANSI [-sequence
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
-- read all bits from PORTB, from datasheet: 9C 02 00 FF
-- 18Fx455 datasheetpage 116 EXAMPLE 10-2: INITIALIZING PORTB
HW.setRegister dev regPORTB 0x00 -- clear output data latches
HW.setRegister dev regADCON1 0x0E -- set RB<4:0> as digital I/I pins
HW.setRegister dev regTRISB 0xFF -- set RB<7:0> as inputs
-- INTCON2<7? clear to ENABLE PORTB internal pull-ups via LATB
-- DEFAULT STATE: () 1111 -1-1 1111 0101 => F5
-- DESIRED STATE: 0111 -1-1 0111 0101 => E5
--HW.setRegister dev regINTCON2 0xE5
--HW.setRegister dev regLATB 0x00 -- LATB written as 0 ??!?!!?
--HW.getRegister dev regTRISB >>= \x -> print x
-- CMCON to 0x07 (Default value anyway!)
--HW.setRegister dev 0xB4 0x07
return ()
where printOutput = do
--HW.wait dev regPORTC 0x00 0xFF
buf1 <- HW.getRegister dev regPORTB
let val1 = (B.index (hwrBuf buf1) 2)
--putStrLn $ "MSB " ++ (showIntAtBase 2 intToDigit val1 " LSB --PORTB")
buf2 <- HW.getPort dev ioPORTB 0xFF
printf "\ESC[sPORTB: %02X %02X\ESC[u"
--printf "PORTB: GETREG: %02X\n" -- GETPORT: %02X\n"
(B.index (hwrBuf buf1) 2)
(B.index (hwrBuf buf2) 2)
--threadDelay 1000000

Nothing ->
putStrLn "HexWax device not found"

-- simple LED test
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xFE 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xFD 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xFB 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xF7 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xFF 0x00 -- all bits off again
putStrLn "*done*"
-- set output unbuffered we we are using ANSI [-sequence
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
-- read all bits from PORTB, from datasheet: 9C 02 00 FF
-- Set portB as all inputs
HW.setRegister dev regTRISB 0xFF
HW.getRegister dev regTRISB >>= \x -> print x
return ()
where printOutput = do
HW.wait dev regPORTC 0x00 0xFF
buf1 <- HW.getRegister dev regPORTB
buf2 <- HW.getPort dev ioPORTB 0xFF
printf "\ESC[sPORTB: %02X %02X\ESC[u"
(B.index (hwrBuf buf1) 2)
(B.index (hwrBuf buf2) 2)

-- WAIT test... 4 * 250 is one second so we should be able to blink
HW.setPortBit dev ioPORTA 0x00 0x00
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.wait dev regPORTB 0x00 0xFA
HW.setPortBit dev ioPORTA 0x00 0x01
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xFE 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xFD 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xFB 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xF7 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPort dev 0x01 0xFF 0x00 -- all bits off again

response <- HW.setPortBit dev 0x01 0x00 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPortBit dev 0x01 0x00 0x01
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPortBit dev 0x01 0x01 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPortBit dev 0x01 0x01 0x01
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPortBit dev 0x01 0x02 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPortBit dev 0x01 0x02 0x01
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPortBit dev 0x01 0x03 0x00
putStrLn "Press a key" >> getLine
response <- HW.setPortBit dev 0x01 0x03 0x01

-- stepper motor pattern, one direction
putStrLn "Press key, stepper motor pattern..." >> getLine

hexwaxGo2 :: Device -> IO ()
hexwaxGo2 device = withDeviceHandle device attach
where attach handle = withDetachedKernelDriver handle 0 claim
claim = do
let cmd = BS.replicate 4 '\0'
withClaimedInterface handle ifNum
(HW.writeCmd cmd ifNum handle)

-- withDeviceHandle => withDetachedKernelDriver => withClaimedInterface => HW.writeCmd

hexwaxGo :: Device -> IO ()
hexwaxGo device = do
withDeviceHandle device attach
where attach handle = do
withDetachedKernelDriver handle 0 claim
where claim = do
let cmd = BS.replicate 4 '\0'
withClaimedInterface handle ifNum
(HW.writeCmd cmd ifNum handle)

.open -- use default from datasheet
.openAt productId vendorId
.API. as HWA
.setBit .getBit .setPort .getPort etc.
.Util as HWU
-- Bipolar stepper-motor driving
.bpStepFwd N
.bpStepRev N
-- Unipolar stepper-motor driving
.ubpStepFwd N
.upStepRev N

clever extensions:

the ability to name an arbitrary group of outputs as a "pseudo-register" and then
send a value to it.


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