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Re: HTML error

Posted by The silence on Thu Feb 27 11:12:06 2014, in response to Re: HTML error, posted by JayZeeBMT on Mon Feb 24 23:43:45 2014.

This whole issue exists because the New Mexico couple were too set in thier beliefs they had to make a scene of it instead going out to find a different photographer.

This is aside from the fact a bank loan officer would be out of a job in about two seconds at all but the smallest banks.

Let me give you a different example. Woman goes to a doctor, wants him to give her an abortion. He says no, it's against what he believes, he can't bring himself to do it. She goes and sues him for it. The Arizona law would have stopped her from filing a lawsuit, and that's basicly it. But, she would have had an easy remidy for her situation,


One who has no issue with doing the procedure.

The thing that bugs me is if he said just plain no, they would have little recoarse. Say no, and then give a reason, and just like that lawyers are coming out the woodwork.

If there is one thing, one single solitary thing, that I hate in our country, it's our sue happy tendency. The answer to every single thing is to sue. Sue sue sue.

I work retail security. If I see someone steal something, by the polices of my company, I can't do anything. I can't chase them, I can't stop them from leaving, I can't confront them at all. I'm to get a description and call the cops. Why? Because my company is too worried about lawsuits. All I do is freaking stand around for hours on end. I'm little more than a scarecrow. They don't care if someone walks out with thousands of dollars of merchandise, I MUST do nothing.


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