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Re: Arizona Senate passes ''Turn Away The Gays'' law

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Fri Feb 21 10:59:50 2014, in response to Re: Arizona Senate passes ''Turn Away The Gays'' law, posted by AlM on Fri Feb 21 10:42:37 2014.

What statement would this be. You are playing with words. I never said that "Blacks commit more crimes". They do as a people, but JayZee's stats show they commit a little less than double that of Blacks. But I THEN went on to state that Blacks are outnumbered by whites 5 to 1. That is ALSO fact. That means a Black person is MUCH more likely to COMMIT a crime. That is fact, as otherwise the white's stats would be 5 times that of blacks, which it is not.
You KNOW that's what I meant ALL along. If you want to play this game of words, or things not stated what is meant, please continue the diversion.

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