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Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2017 over 2 Million will leave the job market due to Obamacare

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Feb 6 17:20:02 2014, in response to Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2017 over 2 Million will leave the job market due to Obamacare, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Feb 5 23:45:09 2014.

I guess that if you repeat a lie often enough you hope that it will begin to stick. Keep trying because it wont.

YOU WERE FIRED - not exonerated! The union that you paid dues to would not even support you. They didn't like you trying to blame other union members for your fuck-up.

There was never any mention by me about training new car inspectors or teaching at Transit Tech. I dare you to produce any post here where I made any statement to the contrary. What others may have hoped or spoke of is not my concern. If I were currently employed by the MTA or by a vendor, though perfectly legal, I certainly would not post it here.

Finally, all alleged knowledge you have of my managerial skills came from one individual - a good friend of yours. A friend who was suspended pending for sexually and racially harassing a black female car inspector whom I mentored to help move her from car cleaner He was incident tested and found to be unfit for duty. After completing the "program" he was sent to my shop where he repeatedly under-performed and made unsafe repairs on cars. He also failed 2 more mandated retests and was fired. He then went on to another rail company where he fell out of a rail car and again was fired. So much for your sources. Oh and for the record, he didn't kill himself. Another lie of yours.

But then again, Kevin - lies are all you have.


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