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Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2017 over 2 Million will leave the job market due to Obamacare

Posted by italianstallion on Tue Feb 4 23:50:53 2014, in response to Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2017 over 2 Million will leave the job market due to Obamacare, posted by Olog-hai on Tue Feb 4 16:52:28 2014.

Maybe. But here's what Business Insider actually said:

"The CBO revised much of its outlook on the Affordable Care Act in a new report released Tuesday. It said that much of the loss would come from workers choosing to provide less labor, not from employers deciding not to hire workers because of the law."

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/cbo-report-obamacare-job-losses-2014-2#ixzz2sQ6cvp3J


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