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Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2017 over 2 Million will leave the job market due to Obamacare

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Feb 4 20:23:34 2014, in response to Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2017 over 2 Million will leave the job market due to Obamacare, posted by LuchAAA on Tue Feb 4 20:16:30 2014.

Gotta love the conservatard mind behind THIS hoohah. Here's what comes of it. Folks close to retirement age no longer have to work full time in order to have insurance before they're eligible for medicare. Companies that are even thinking of cutting back are going to die as their competitors eat their lunch when their quality of service goes in the shitter.

Meanwhile, about 2 million people who are LOOKING for work are actually going to get a job. And the republicans are going to tell folks this is bad? LOL! PLEASE, republicans ... run with this one! :)

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