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Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2021 work hours willm be reduced equal to 2 million F/T equivalent workers

Posted by italianstallion on Tue Feb 4 17:07:23 2014, in response to Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2017 over 2 Million will leave the job market due to Obamacare, posted by Olog-hai on Tue Feb 4 16:59:00 2014.


(Whoops, pressed send before fixing title)

If you REALLY want a correct title.

Based on this ACTUAL CBO language:

“The estimated reduction stems almost entirely from a net decline in the amount of labor that workers choose to supply, rather than from a net drop in businesses’ demand for labor, so it will appear almost entirely as a reduction in labor force participation and in hours worked relative to what would have occurred otherwise rather than as an increase in unemployment (that is, more workers seeking but not finding jobs) or underemployment (such as part-time workers who would prefer to work more hours per week).”


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