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Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2017 over 2 Million will leave the job market due to Obamacare

Posted by italianstallion on Tue Feb 4 16:33:02 2014, in response to Re: CBO Forecasts that by 2017 over 2 Million will leave the job market due to Obamacare, posted by AlM on Tue Feb 4 14:47:35 2014.

In other words,

Prior to Obamacare: "I hate this job. I'm ready to retire. I have enough money saved. But I'm only 60 and won't be eligible for Medicare for another 5 years and won't be able to get insurance on my own due to my pre-existing condition. Guess I'm stuck here for another 5 years. Ugh!"

With Obamacare: "I hate this job. I'm ready to retire. I have enough money saved. I'm only 60 and won't be eligible for Medicare for another 5 years. But, guess what? I checked healthcare.gov and I can get an affordable plan and can't be turned down because of my pre-existing condition. Thanks, Obama!"


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