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Re: The Republican Party’s uphill path to 270 electoral votes in 2016

Posted by AlM on Mon Jan 20 19:13:18 2014, in response to Re: The Republican Party’s uphill path to 270 electoral votes in 2016, posted by mtk52983 on Mon Jan 20 18:52:53 2014.

There is definitely the left wing group that automatically considers any have-nots to be guilt-free while the haves are total oppressors. For them, Israel is uniformly terrible because they do not always treat the Palestinians with perfect justice and kindness.

But what's happened to the large number of establishment Republicans who favored Saudi or similar interests over Israeli ones for decades? It's pretty clear they have just learned to keep their mouths shut because they don't want to offend their anti-Islamic fundamentalist base. But there's no way the Republican establishment would ever support an Israel that adopted the kinds of polices CMM wants to see.

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