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Re: Sitting shiva for living people

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Dec 14 12:09:59 2013, in response to Re: Chicagomotorman's Bubbie, posted by chicagomotorman on Sat Dec 14 10:24:15 2013.

I asked that in jest because in old Jewish customs has Jews sitting shiva when a realitive marries outside the faith. They are considered dead, even no [sic] they are not.

No, it's not. It's as much a Jewish custom as saying a bracha for eating ham. They are not considered dead. The people who started this ignorant and disrespectful custom did so because they misread an account that said that a man son's converted and he sat shiva for him: i.e. when the son had died years after his conversion he still sat shiva for him. Sitting shiva for a living person is an insult to the practice.


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