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Re: Norquist now blames Ted Cruz for the shutdown (how unsurprising)

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Thu Oct 3 01:54:14 2013, in response to Re: Norquist now blames Ted Cruz for the shutdown (how unsurprising), posted by Olog-hai on Thu Oct 3 01:24:35 2013.

Oh stop it with the "gay men" herring. You know exactly what I mean, and that ain't it. "Send teabags to the White House" ... ain't MY fault that the chirpy newsblonde sat there congratulating "All those tea partiers out there teabagging America" the day of the big manufactured event on Faux Snooze. Deal with it, you and the rest of the sympathizers. That was YOUR Woodstock. :)

As to the rest, every political party has a plan ... except for THESE guys. NO is not a plan for anything other than childish, destructive obstructionism.

As to the RINO thing, each time the republicans get their asses kicked, they swing even further insane ... and yet it occurs to no one that perhaps THAT might be the problem.

So yeah, lets swing even further to the right and go even more batshit, toss out the few remaining members of the party who knew how to govern at all ... yeah, that'll work! Heh.

SERIOUSLY ... the last time the republicans had a shit fit on this level and shut it down, they lost BIGTIME. And they at least had Newt Gingrich then, who at least pretended some eloquence and stated his case for it to the American people ... it didn't wash THEN either.

THIS time around, y'all have Ted Cruz as your spokesfish?


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