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Re: What Do You Think Of Kermit The Frog?

Posted by Edwards! on Fri May 17 00:41:36 2013, in response to Re: What Do You Think Of Kermit The Frog?, posted by LuchAAA on Thu May 16 10:47:27 2013.

You too are full of bullshit.

You are heinous..murdering..talking ass wipe of a sub human...and my fondest wish is to gather all of you up and dispose of you.
you are a blight on mankind in the worst kind of way.

the foolishness you bring here only manages to reduce us all.

since you are idiotic..and continuously need refresher courses in "life lessons",which failure is an accomplishment,mind you..let me help you figure a few things out.

1] i am not..nor have i ever been "law enforcement"..though I DO have "law enforcement" living in my home. It is NOT my job..now or ever, to enforce MTA rules or regulation on any MTA NYCT conveyance at anytime.
Even the operators are strictly told to simply say "pay your fare",and keep it moving.

2] in you attempt to "show me up...you have exposed your yellow underbelly for being a stupid idiotic dunderhead pron to buffoonery..

3]you seem to be suffering from some sort of delusions..seeing things that aren't there..on line or otherwise.

4]you are a fool..even a blind person with double shades on can see through your bullshit.your racism paints you out to be a caveman in need of horse whipping.

get a new line of work..or better yet..go get your life..the one you have ain't working out for you.


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