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Re: It's Morning In America

Posted by Railman718 on Thu Jan 24 17:27:47 2013, in response to Re: It's Morning In America, posted by streetcarman1 on Thu Jan 24 17:12:53 2013.

I guess you don't mind being insulted by your buddy Train Dude......oh and by the way.....I never ever said anything derogatory to you at all.

You cant even see the analogy i made it wasn't made in a derogatory sense, it was made to make a point if you couldn't see that...

You took it as that thank you for proving my point.

As i said you have NO idea whats going on hes baiting you and you just feed into it but you believe what you want to believe no problem.

If you can't handle or deal with me bringing up racial issues on OT.....then move on.

I dont even have to use a tenth of my brain to handle you, i can comment on what i feel like if you dont like it you can move on..


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