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Re: Not everyone's sorry for the tsunami

Posted by Flxiblemetro on Sat Jan 8 04:31:24 2005, in response to Re: Not everyone's sorry for the tsunami, posted by American Pig on Wed Jan 5 22:33:27 2005.

Read what?

And personally I am not trying to judge those victims of the tsunami in Southeast Asia. Because I don't know them personally nor can I read thiers minds. It is said in Matthew 7:1 "Judge not that ye be not judged."

Some Southeast Asians(and visitors) were killed by the tsunami, does this means they are going to hell?...I don't know. And some Southeast Asians survived through the tsunami, does this means they are going to heaven?...again,I don't know.

To be Honest with you, I know horrible things just happens to anyone regardless if we are good or evil, a christian or non-christian.

Many different religions have different beliefs about why the the great waves took place recently in Southeast Asia. click here

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