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Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Sep 12 14:19:31 2024

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by W.B. on Thu Sep 12 21:30:55 2024, in response to Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Sep 12 14:19:31 2024.

I was there twice in my life, both in 2002: once going to Utah to attend a film festival (I starred in one of the films screened at Slamdance, "Lefty-Right"), and once headed back to New York. On the latter way, when stopping over, I was briefly on the "Blue Line" of the CTA system, and was immediately struck by the "Type II" roadbed of the type associated here with the IND.

You would think with all this, they'd draw up new arrangements, but NOOOOOO! (to quote the late John Belushi).

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 12 23:26:01 2024, in response to Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Sep 12 14:19:31 2024.

This is not surprising.
Greyhound closed the station in downtown Brooklyn, Newark,Center city in Philly, Camden, Atlantic City. Downtown Charleston Charleston Heights.

Station closing are becoming common place these days.
Poughkeepsie closed their bus station, but you can still catch a bus in Kingston.

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by randyo on Fri Sep 13 02:36:29 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 12 23:26:01 2024.

When I was coming back on Greyhound from places in the midwest not served by Amtrak, I noticed while several cities and towns did not have bus stations per se, they did have store front “bus stations” where passengers could purchase tickets and wait for buses that stopped in bus stops on the street in front of the store.

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Sun Sep 22 09:33:02 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by Edwards! on Thu Sep 12 23:26:01 2024.


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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Sep 22 16:52:48 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by randyo on Fri Sep 13 02:36:29 2024.

This has been the new trend for inner cities service providers.
Store front and gas stations.

Newark Still has its curbside station in front of its original terminal, how ever, the Station waiting room is decommissioned.

You have to purchase tickets on line.

Hub stations like NY PABT maintain the big station feel.

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Sep 22 16:55:20 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by chicagoMotorman on Sun Sep 22 09:33:02 2024.

Nobody cares.

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by Joe on Sun Sep 22 17:37:03 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by Edwards! on Sun Sep 22 16:55:20 2024.

Please, Edwards! The people standing in the rain care. The folk needing a rest room care.

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Sep 23 06:36:31 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by Joe on Sun Sep 22 17:37:03 2024.

I know.
My father drove for them a number of years.

I rode with him from time to time in the summer,if I could.

I'm not "siding with" what the new owners did.
I don't like it anymore than you do.
Today, I might ride to and from Albany NY, to visit my little Brother (not so little now,as he just finished his masters for engineering).

I find it horrible that Flexbus(Grayhound new owners)would close so many facilities, that's all.

I have children who sometimes travel with me, and they often need comfort breaks.

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Sep 23 06:39:23 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by Joe on Sun Sep 22 17:37:03 2024.

Also, I might add, that you should have read the post before mine to understand Who I was responding to,(a bigoted troll who loves to target women like myself).

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Mon Sep 23 08:20:46 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by Edwards! on Mon Sep 23 06:36:31 2024.

iawtlp 5%

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Mon Sep 23 08:21:12 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by Edwards! on Mon Sep 23 06:39:23 2024.


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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Sep 23 14:24:30 2024, in response to Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by chicagoMotorman on Thu Sep 12 14:19:31 2024.

I'm guessing that place is a joy to be at. I've been throught to drop off or pick up in nicer cities and that was always an adventure.

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Mon Sep 23 15:35:19 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Sep 23 14:24:30 2024.

Are you kidding? That station is an embarrassment to Chicago.

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Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing

Posted by randyo on Tue Sep 24 03:17:30 2024, in response to Re: Chicago Greyhound Station Closing, posted by Edwards! on Sun Sep 22 16:52:48 2024.

I seem to recall when I lived in Wash Hts, that there was a small off street bus terminal for the “Short Line” Co on 181 St off Amsterdam Ave. I was very young at the time I used it, but as I recall, it was basically just an off street loop that could only accommodate 1 or maybe 2 buses at the most.

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