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(Phoenix, AZ) I lost my rear axle, from a cheese bus

Posted by GOlD_12tH on Sat Jan 31 22:03:15 2015


A Washington Elementary School District bus carrying 30 junior high students lost its rear axle Thursday afternoon in Phoenix.

The bus was at Seventh Street and Greenway Parkway around 4 p.m., when the rear axle came off.

Carol Donaldson, a spokeswoman for the school district, said paramedics checked on the students and determined there were no injuries.

Parents were called to retrieve their students from the scene.

It wasn't immediately clear why the axle broke free of the bus. Donaldson said mechanics with the district's transportation department will investigate.


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Re: (Phoenix, AZ) I lost my rear axle, from a cheese bus

Posted by Hart Bus on Sun Feb 1 08:51:37 2015, in response to (Phoenix, AZ) I lost my rear axle, from a cheese bus, posted by GOlD_12tH on Sat Jan 31 22:03:15 2015.

I can't believe how stupid the WESD administrators are !

1 - Rather than bringing another bus to finish the run or bring the kids to a safe area, they inconvenience the parents or baby-sitters by making them go to a corner on a large street to stop and get the kids into a car.

2 - They are sending to investigate. That's like having a fox guard a hen house. Why not get an impartial answer from the local police or the state or the NTSB?

3 - If a report shows that the accident was the fault of the mechanics, how many will be fired?

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