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MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Gold_12th on Tue Apr 19 22:08:34 2011

Transit advocates and union leaders have made a last-ditch effort to stop the MTA from ending its nearly 40-year working agreement with Nassau County, which plans to turn over Long Island Bus to a private operator.

The board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority is set to vote April 27 to discontinue its lease agreement with Nassau County for the operation of Long Island Bus, which is owned by Nassau but has been run by the MTA since 1973. Nassau this year paid $9.1 million to the MTA to operate the bus service.

If approved, the contract between the county and the MTA would terminate at the end of this year. Nassau has said it will turn over its bus system to a private operator in January. There are currently three bus companies competing for the contract.

In a letter to MTA chairman Jay Walder, representatives from organizations including the Tri-State Transportation Campaign and the Long Island Federation of Labor said a vote next week would be "premature."

"In order to make an informed decision, MTA board members must know additional details about Nassau County's plan to privatize the system," the letter said.

Opponents of the privatization effort have said bus service in Nassau will decline and fares could go up. Union officials fear a loss of jobs and salary cuts.

The MTA needs to give 60 days notice before ending its agreement with Nassau. The MTA has said Nassau has not lived up to its obligation to properly fund its bus system. Nassau says the MTA does not run the system efficiently.

"Nassau County has informed the MTA of its intention to privatize, so we must now take steps to help ensure the transition is as orderly as possible at the end of the year," MTA spokesman Jeremy Soffin said Tuesday.

Tri-State Transportation Campaign spokesman Ryan Lynch said the letter was sent with the belief "that there's still time to come to a solution that really puts bus riders first and is in the best interest for all parties."

source: http://www.newsday.com/long-island/nassau/mta-set-to-end-li-bus-lease-with-nassau-1.2827217

MTA board meeting in April documents....

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by R40slantontheB on Tue Apr 19 23:03:05 2011, in response to MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Gold_12th on Tue Apr 19 22:08:34 2011.

The crap is gonna hit the fan. And nobody gives a damn. Well, we tried.....

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Tue Apr 19 23:56:15 2011, in response to MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Gold_12th on Tue Apr 19 22:08:34 2011.

I believe who ever wrote that letter to Walder is trying to be a bully (no offense) I know this is an important issue, but the MTA doesn't need know additional details about Nassau County's plan to privatize the system since as it was clearly stated Nassau owns the system. Nassau could do what ever they want with it and the MTA couldn't do anything but to give in to Nassau and I don't see that happening. (unless someone would pay the money Nassau owes, but I don't see that happening either)

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Tue Apr 19 23:59:36 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Tue Apr 19 23:03:05 2011.

No everyone cares, its just that neither side wants to sit down and talk. What needs or should be done is the state legislator should appoint a mediator to get the two sides to talk, instead of using the press to paint the other as the supreme uncaring bad guy.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:28:08 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Mac5689 on Tue Apr 19 23:59:36 2011.

Gov. Cuomo needs to get involved...

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 00:46:42 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Mac5689 on Tue Apr 19 23:59:36 2011.

This needs to happen. We'll see how the bills get paid once the MTA is out of the picture.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 00:48:01 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Mac5689 on Tue Apr 19 23:56:15 2011.

This move is backed by the union. They do not want their pay scale to drop. The private carriers are not going to pay what the MTA was paying.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:50:43 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 00:46:42 2011.

Tell that to the 100,000 people who ride Long Island Bus everyday...

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:56:56 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 00:48:01 2011.

That's right and we can have a bunch of inexperienced rude drivers like at Suffolk Transit. Like drivers who feel like taking their own detours. Take a look at Mr. Ritchie Downes, who drove for CBS Lines and stopped at White Castle and the bank while people were on the bus, then often didn't finish his last S62 run. Often drove in the shoulder. Was fired by CBS only to be hired by Sunrise, then attempted to rape a woman on the 8A.
Then there's the work of art I had last Friday, never made the turn onto a street in Pt.Jeff to pick me up, went straight instead. Had the same nutjob on Monday and he went thru Wading River when he wasn't scheduled to, anyone waiting by CVS or the catering place will be stuck another hour.
This is the kind of crap service you get with private operators. It may work for Suffolk Transit but in Nassau it will be a disaster.
You get what you pay for. $8 an hour bus drivers will give you shit service..period.
Not enough people realize or care what will happen until it's too late.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 01:00:51 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:56:56 2011.

Oh and I've tried to reach Suffolk Transit for 3 days and just get a busy signal.
LI Bus carries way more than ST. Privatization will drive riders away, you'll have daily ridership probably go down to 10,000 or less within a year of privatization.
Mangano and the MTA wont sit down together and they BOTH need to for the good of the 100,000 daily riders (many of whom live in NYC as well) and stop this STUPID, MEAN, CRUEL, and HEARTLESS game!

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 01:19:07 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:56:56 2011.

Sorry I didn't mean to say all ST drivers are bad, I'm just saying many dont have the experience and training the MTA ones get.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Apr 20 01:22:19 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:28:08 2011.

I wouldn't hold my breath.

Jay Walder is his man and he'll have Jay handle it.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Wed Apr 20 01:28:04 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:56:56 2011.

Hmm, when I rode the last S62 of the night 2 years ago from Riverhead a black guy was the driver, and he kept the lights off the whole trip & didn't take any noticeable deviations from the scheduled route.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Wed Apr 20 01:29:03 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 01:00:51 2011.

I've been to Suffolk Transit's Yaphank office to get a system map & they were pretty nice, never called them though.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 01:44:03 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Osmosis Jones on Wed Apr 20 01:29:03 2011.

Their number is always busy, probably from all the complaints. CBS is one of the better companies, EBT and Sunrise are worse.
EBT gave CBS some of their Gilligs and they are garbage according to the drivers.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by The Flxible Neofan on Wed Apr 20 01:49:40 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:56:56 2011.

If the owner lets the contractor, private or public, get away with doing moronic stuff like what you mentioned, and don't do anything about it, then of course the result would be subpar service. If the owner holds the contractor to the agreement of high quality service, then maybe the service would be better.

There are plenty of private operators that do a great job, and others that don't do a great job, in this country. It is unfair of you to paint every private company with such a broad brush...

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mr RT on Wed Apr 20 07:29:34 2011, in response to MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Gold_12th on Tue Apr 19 22:08:34 2011.

This is either the last straw, or one close to it :-(

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 07:52:01 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:28:08 2011.

Or he could appoint as well, its kind of not fair that they will sent the MTA money to cover LIB for the rest of the year but won't do anything to actually solve the problem.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 07:55:58 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Apr 20 01:22:19 2011.

And thats the problem, his man won't listen and doesn't want to even negotiate a deal, so that the MTA seems to look like they are trying to help keep LIB.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 08:00:40 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 01:44:03 2011.

Suffolk Transit is part of the Department Of Public Works, maybe thats why they have been busy, or maybe there are alot of other people calling.

5059 was in the worst shape when it went to CBS. from what i can tell it still is a little. 5058 seems to be in decent shape. Have no idea about 5057 or 5054.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 08:05:52 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:56:56 2011.

I would like to point out John that Wilson St is used to get to Port Jefferson Shopping Plaza/Center, If the driver had already stopped there (by cutting through the back (which drivers are banned from doing) or by cutting through the parking lot (like a driver named Bernie use to do) then he may have not seen the need to turn on Wilson Street.

He didn't follow the detour, if any, the company set up, Suffolk Transit isn't at fault CBS is.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 08:13:19 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 01:19:07 2011.

I wouldn't say that, I just heard that there is at least one driver at one of companies that operates ST, that worked for the MTA before he joined his current company.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 08:20:30 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Osmosis Jones on Wed Apr 20 01:28:04 2011.

It may have been a different driver, some routes have different drivers doing the same trip during the week. (Ie. Monday-Tuesday driver A, Wednesday-Friday Driver B, Saturday driver C) So it is possible that you had a different driver then John, Or the driver that John is talking about didn't pick that route at that time. The driver John is talking about was also said to have driven the S60 at one point.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 08:29:22 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:56:56 2011.

Hey John, did the nut job have the same bus, because i heard that the bus that the guy had on Friday may have been used on another route.

Maybe he was told to go that way before you got on the bus, 25A is a semi dangerous road out that way, so maybe there was an accident that was cleared up by the time you guys got there.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by RailBus63 on Wed Apr 20 09:10:10 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:56:56 2011.

You're not going to see $8 an hour drivers. Bee Line and CT Transit both operate professional transit systems with contracted drivers instead of public employees.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 09:45:05 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by R40slantontheB on Wed Apr 20 00:50:43 2011.

I have no problem telling them that. The system is changing contractors for now. There are hundreds of agencies using these companies and they are no better or worse than the MTA.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 09:50:38 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by The Flxible Neofan on Wed Apr 20 01:49:40 2011.

What John is afraid of is that the MTA won't supplement the shortfall at Long Island Bus after the end of the year and he has no clue who will.

The operators are going to be paid less and the union is making noise about that, but the union is also no longer automatically on the property collecting dues. They may have to recertify, depending on how things are handled. It is not a given that the operators lose their jobs. It is a given that the private firm is going to follow the county's directive on labor costs.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 09:51:33 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Apr 20 01:22:19 2011.

As he should.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by The Flxible Neofan on Wed Apr 20 10:50:54 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 07:55:58 2011.

But what do you expect Jay Walder and the MTA to do, though? They offered a "grace period" to give Nassau time to start paying its dues. When Nassau told the MTA where they could put that proposal, the authority then offered a reduction plan to keep as much service as possible. Mangano scoffed at that and kept up with plans for privatization.

Short of continuing to cover Nassau's portion of the subsidy for the service, there's nothing that MTA can do to "save LI Bus". All they can (and should) do is work with Nassau county to make the transition as seamless as possible.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by The Flxible Neofan on Wed Apr 20 10:52:47 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by RailBus63 on Wed Apr 20 09:10:10 2011.

I'd imagine the benefits and work rules would take a hit before the wages, but at the same time, the two systems you mention adequately cover the cost of the operation of their system. I dunno how a private contractor will run LI Bus with only $4.1 million from the county, but we will see what happens!

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 11:04:34 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by The Flxible Neofan on Wed Apr 20 10:50:54 2011.

The MTA wanted Nassau to come up with their other share in over three years at, to me at least, an unfair rate. Now with out a doubt the MTA's plan could have worked if they didn't seeming demand Nassau to pay such huge amount of money when the county is broke.

I mean the MTA has the State Legislator in its back pocket almost (I mean every time they say they need money, the state legislator bails them out) so your telling me they couldn't ask the State Legislator for a little help to cover Nassau's half while Nassau itself increase how much they paid out of their budget at a fair amount each year.

I mean i know this is a bad reference, but even Nascar is fairer with grace periods or Grand Father clauses, and thats a sport that gets hit alot for being unfair.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 12:15:08 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 11:04:34 2011.

10 years isn't enough? What is?

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by RailBus63 on Wed Apr 20 12:28:16 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 11:04:34 2011.

Are you kidding me? What's unfair is asking the taxpayers in the other counties of New York to bail out Nassau when they are seeing their own services being cut left and right. Here in Syracuse, Centro is on its fourth service reduction and second fare increase since January 2009. As one of those taxpayers, I'm more than a little annoyed that it took so long for the MTA to do something about this.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by RailBus63 on Wed Apr 20 12:29:47 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by The Flxible Neofan on Wed Apr 20 10:52:47 2011.

There are other state and federal subsidies as well, plus farebox revenue of course.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by The Flxible Neofan on Wed Apr 20 12:31:53 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by RailBus63 on Wed Apr 20 12:28:16 2011.

I highly agree with this post. The fault in the MTA is that it took them so long to do this, and the money they spent on Nassau County could've been used to fund other well needed projects/operations that they actually are responsible for. They helped out LI Bus before, and today they are marked as the villains. Sigh!

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by AMoreira81 on Wed Apr 20 12:56:53 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by The Flxible Neofan on Wed Apr 20 10:52:47 2011.

Most likely, I actually see the wages taking a hit in that the new operator may choose to be nonunion. The interesting thing is if drivers will have to apply for jobs with the new operator, and the MTA issues WARN Act notices for all LIB employees beginning on October 1.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Kriston Lewis on Wed Apr 20 17:07:36 2011, in response to MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Gold_12th on Tue Apr 19 22:08:34 2011.

1. Privatization flops.
2. New Nassau operation folded into MTA Bus Company.
3. Hello, Nassau Division!
4. Q5 to Valley Stream LIRR

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 17:40:07 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 12:15:08 2011.

I was talking about the deal that Walder floated Nassau this year, I wasn't talking about what happen to lead to this situation.

As I've said before many times, I feel like the MTA shouldn't have covered for Nassau in the first place. The MTA helped cause this problem, if they hadn't covered for Nassau in the first place then maybe there wouldn't be a problem now, or maybe LIB would have already been operated by a Private company.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Wed Apr 20 17:44:46 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by RailBus63 on Wed Apr 20 12:28:16 2011.

I don't like that idea either, but since the State Legislator has bailed out the MTA in the past, why wouldn't they do it if it would help lead to a solution to save LIB.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Apr 20 19:17:02 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Kriston Lewis on Wed Apr 20 17:07:36 2011.

5. MTA operates flying buses.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by RailBus63 on Thu Apr 21 08:54:18 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Kriston Lewis on Wed Apr 20 17:07:36 2011.

Nice daydream, but it's not happening.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Thu Apr 21 11:59:03 2011, in response to MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Gold_12th on Tue Apr 19 22:08:34 2011.

It'll be fun when after a year whoever loses the bid to operate the service files for bankruptcy, and the county/state push for a full MTA takeover where the county contributes nothing.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Gold_12th on Thu Apr 21 12:23:43 2011, in response to MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Gold_12th on Tue Apr 19 22:08:34 2011.

Expect the MTA Board to approve this resolution.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by RailBus63 on Thu Apr 21 13:27:10 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Thu Apr 21 11:59:03 2011.

Extremely unlikely - all three bidders are nationally-established operators of contracted transit services (CT Transit, Fairfax Connector, Foothill Transit, LA Metro, RTD Denver, Valley Metro among others).

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Thu Apr 21 13:31:35 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by RailBus63 on Thu Apr 21 13:27:10 2011.

Ok, so bankruptcy is out...but I'm sure there will be issues that will effect the same result.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by RailBus63 on Thu Apr 21 15:26:22 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Thu Apr 21 13:31:35 2011.

I still don't see it. I could see issues that result in service cuts similar to what the MTA proposed, but I seriously doubt the entire system will crash to the point of the MTA having to come ride to the rescue. The costs will be lower and many of the main routes have decent ridership. Mangano has an incentive to make this work, because he knows that the MTA would give him no breaks if they had to run LI Bus again.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Thu Apr 21 16:04:49 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Thu Apr 21 11:59:03 2011.

I can't see a MTA take over where the County will contribute nothing. Because that would bring backlash because people would want to know how the MTA could operate LIB then with no County Funding but said they couldn't afford to do it with very little County Funding.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Gotham Bus Co. on Thu Apr 21 16:45:03 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Gold_12th on Thu Apr 21 12:23:43 2011.


[Expect the MTA Board to approve this resolution.]

Nassau County has already announced its plan to fire the MTA as its contract carrier. Not approving the resolution means that the MTA, as the contractor, refuses to be fired and wants to keep subsidizing its client.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Gotham Bus Co. on Thu Apr 21 16:47:43 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Mac5689 on Thu Apr 21 16:04:49 2011.


[I can't see a MTA take over where the County will contribute nothing. Because that would bring backlash because people would want to know how the MTA could operate LIB then with no County Funding but said they couldn't afford to do it with very little County Funding.]

Plus, the other suburban counties will want the MTA to fully fund their bus systems as well.

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Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011

Posted by Mac5689 on Thu Apr 21 20:07:07 2011, in response to Re: MTA set to end Long Island Bus lease with Nassau County by 12/31/2011, posted by Gotham Bus Co. on Thu Apr 21 16:47:43 2011.

IDK, Suffolk is in a hating the MTA mind set again so I can't see them wanting the MTA to have any thing to due with ST. Unless maybe the MTA agrees to have more LIRR service out east, though I don't think that will happen.

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