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New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009

Check out this site to see a preview of Greyhound's new paint scheme that will be unveiled soon - it is based on the carrier's blue and silver colors from the 1950's.


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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jan 9 09:39:49 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.


THANK G-D. The current scheme is terrible. But I don't know if this tops the 80s/90s instantly red, white, and blue recognizable scheme. Just like Duane Reade, they messed with a good thing.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jan 9 09:40:53 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

Now THAT's an eye catcher.

However, I wonder if it will confuse people, as there will be FOUR different schemes on the buses.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by CAT218 on Fri Jan 9 09:43:47 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

Wow, that's a nice paint scheme. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by Sid from NJ on Fri Jan 9 09:48:10 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

[Check out this site to see a preview of Greyhound's new paint scheme that will be unveiled soon]

I have heard that this new scheme will be introduced at the upcoming inauguration in DC. Evidently, Greyhound is supplying buses for the press, etc.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jan 9 09:51:04 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jan 9 09:40:53 2009.

no one will be confused.

i think it's pleasant, but hardly stand out.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by R36 #9346 on Fri Jan 9 10:02:07 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

Classy! I like it!

It has to be asked, though. It looks good on the Prevost in the pics, but what would it look like on an MCI?

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jan 9 10:05:38 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by R36 #9346 on Fri Jan 9 10:02:07 2009.

It would look great on an MCI D series coach (as well as the Van Hools)...and it could make a G look decent.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by R36 #9346 on Fri Jan 9 10:06:26 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jan 9 09:39:49 2009.

Just like Duane Reade, they messed with a good thing.

What do you mean by that? Are you referring to the Duane Reade at 8th Av between 33rd and 34th in Manhattan? I actually prefer that look over the "typical" Duane Reade look. I would call it "an improvement over the existing mediocre stock" instead of "messing with a good thing."

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jan 9 10:07:22 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by R36 #9346 on Fri Jan 9 10:06:26 2009.

That one, however, left me saying What?, because I did not recognize the brand.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by R36 #9346 on Fri Jan 9 10:10:11 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jan 9 10:07:22 2009.

Having seen that particular location both before and after the "improvement," when I saw its new look for the first time, I was a bit surprised, but was actually wondering when other DR locations would receive the updated look.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by roscoman1986 on Fri Jan 9 10:30:42 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

Wow. MUCH better over their current scheme.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by kcram3500 on Fri Jan 9 11:25:50 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

That looks terrific! So many companies are stripes-on-white, so it's nice to see full paint making a return. NJT's new NABIs would really look good in the old Public Service light green/dark green (transits) and white/blue (suburbans) schemes used on the GM Old Looks in the 60s.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jan 9 11:53:31 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jan 9 10:07:22 2009.


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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jan 9 11:56:31 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by R36 #9346 on Fri Jan 9 10:06:26 2009.

The rebranding and store modernization is being rolled out company-wide I believe. I was not referring to the refurbishment and modernization of the store. That's great. I'm referring to the rebranding, which includes the new logos, etc., and the intent to take the store more upscale so they can charge more. I know the refurbishment/modernization goes along with that, so to me, I'd rather take the crappy stores and lower prices than nicer stores and higher prices.

The good things they are messing with are the branding and the desire to charge low prices.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by metrolinecoach111 on Fri Jan 9 12:51:10 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jan 9 09:40:53 2009.

I'm just glad to see Greyhound going back to its roots with the retro-design scheme - as for the issues that may be encountered with the schemes, just look at Coach USA, they have at least 10 and that's only with the NJ companies - as long as it says Greyhound and has a destination that's correct with the schedule it's running, it shouldn't be an issue.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by metrolinecoach111 on Fri Jan 9 12:53:14 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jan 9 10:05:38 2009.

I'm not too sure about the G with this design, because of its awkward design, the X is perfect for this design, and the D's and Van Hools are good on it as well.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by Bingham C50 on Fri Jan 9 13:26:21 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.


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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by Dr. Casca on Fri Jan 9 14:07:58 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by R36 #9346 on Fri Jan 9 10:10:11 2009.

Well, there's a new Duane Reade that opened up near my job on John Street, between Broadway and Nassau, I almost thought it was some upscale department store until I saw the name and new logo....i was like wtf?

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by WayneJay on Fri Jan 9 15:34:10 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

Oh, I like that. Looks almost like they're going a bit old skool Greyhound before the red, white & blue.

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Inspirations... Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by kcram3500 on Fri Jan 9 15:57:12 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by kcram3500 on Fri Jan 9 11:25:50 2009.

Some of the older Dogs that apparently inspired this new scheme:

The silversided Yellow 743

The old Jackson, MS Greyhound terminal

The old Greyhound station in Blythesville, AR

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Fri Jan 9 16:28:25 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by R36 #9346 on Fri Jan 9 10:10:11 2009.

There's an upscale Duane Reade Express at 57th Street & 10th Avenue.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by mr_brian on Fri Jan 9 17:36:56 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

This is over 9000 times better than their current livery. I like it.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by G1RavagesDad on Fri Jan 9 17:45:57 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

Thanks for posting that. Nice livery, in my opinion.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by The Flxible Neofan on Sat Jan 10 00:34:39 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

WOW...that is an impressive scheme. Very classy. Just from that scheme alone, Greyhounds image significantly improves. If they reflect that in their customer service (well, service in general), they can really turn the company around.

This is an IMMENSE improvement over the incredibly lame "shadow" scheme. That was just an attempt for Greyhound to become "cool" and "hip". Plus, there's room for exterior advertising if necessary (does Greyhound still wrap buses?). My only disappointment is the lack of red and american flag. Of course, the flag may just ruin the scheme, but there may have been a way to incorporate red into the scheme.

Regardless, this is a great look that I can't wait to see and photograph on the streets.

Now...it would be nice if SEPTA and MTA can incorporate some of this idea into their own schemes....

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by kcram3500 on Sat Jan 10 01:00:12 2009, in response to Re: New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by The Flxible Neofan on Sat Jan 10 00:34:39 2009.

My only disappointment is the lack of red and american flag. Of course, the flag may just ruin the scheme, but there may have been a way to incorporate red into the scheme.

I prefer it without the red... Greyhound didn't introduce red until the MC6/MC7/PD4107 in 1967 (a very narrow stripe), and the US flag didn't appear until the MC8 in 1973. Before that, it was always blue and white, some gold accenting here and there, and the silversiding when it was used.

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Re: New Greyhound paint scheme

Posted by NIMBYkiller on Thu Jan 15 17:51:04 2009, in response to New Greyhound paint scheme, posted by RailBus63 on Fri Jan 9 09:34:36 2009.

Interesting...but like someone else said, I want to see it on the MCIs before I make a final call

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