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Re: Manhattanville Orion 7 now at Queens Village (paging Ray Clendenin)

Posted by Mr Mabstoa on Tue Jul 31 13:44:46 2007, in response to Re: Manhattanville Orion 7 now at Queens Village (paging Ray Clendenin), posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jul 31 10:44:19 2007.

That we can't figure out.
I figured the M18 would be picked since it only has I believe 6 runs for the day, thus only three buses are needed for the entire day, from around 6AM-9PM. Its the same 6 operators except for a few floaters and the route is very short.
I don't know anything about the Q88 or B52 since I've always been a OA man, at least about number or runs, length of route or operators during the day.
Like last Thursday all three of the buses we have (6641,6644, and 6569) were trippers. They wanted them back at 10 AM for data collection, so we couldn't run them on the M18's that day.
On Friday they let two of the buses go holding 6644 for body work, so we put 6569 and 6641 on the m18 for that day and I believe 9036 was the other bus.
Everyday is a mystery at NYC buses, I can only imagine the confusion downstairs in subways. It takes very talented people to do this job well.


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