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Re: Manhattanville Orion 7 now at Queens Village (paging Ray Clendenin)

Posted by The TransitMan on Thu Jul 26 18:25:25 2007, in response to Manhattanville Orion 7 now at Queens Village (paging Ray Clendenin), posted by mr_brian on Wed Jul 25 21:17:34 2007.

Hey Mr. Brian! Well, Mr. Mabstoa just explained the the situation was. This was his explanation:

"There are 9 Orions currently being tested with WABCO air compressors. The buses are as follows:
The buses are to run excusively are the B52,M18 and Q88 respectively.
A swap has occurred to study the data which is dowloaded via the data logger.
Currently we have 6569 now and QV has 6655.
I heard also that a similiar swap occurred between FP and QV but I don't know exactly which buses.
Today tech services came to collect data from our three buses (MTV) so we tripped them out and did not run them on the M18's today.
But tommorow we will try to run all three on the m18 or at least two of them."

Now I did hear that there was suppose to be a swap between Queens Village and Mother Clara Hale (#6690-6749 series) BUT now that looks to be unlikely at this point...but you never know.

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