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Re: Ct Transit Buses Numbering

Posted by Sid from NJ on Tue Apr 24 12:16:13 2007, in response to Re: Ct Transit Buses Numbering, posted by AMoreira81 on Mon Apr 23 23:50:42 2007.

[Most of the 9100 series Classics are actually 1990 Classics, and most of the 9200s were actually 1991 Classics (according to the delivery lists).]

Exactly half of the 9100 Classics are 1990 buses, as the first 44 were part of the same delivery of 9001-etc. in Hartford and 9091-96 in Meriden and Waterbury. 9145-9188 were part of the same order of 9230-925? in Hartford (and possibly the SEAT order in the lower 9200's). I am not sure whether these were 1991 or 1992 Classics, although I recollect they were delivered in 1992.


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