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Re: It Finally Happened: Q35 Limited Stops

Posted by Howard Fein on Mon Mar 12 13:56:58 2007, in response to Re: It Finally Happenned: Q35 Limited Stops, posted by petabread2 on Thu Mar 8 22:15:58 2007.

Signs on the buses are great assuming (a) passengers read them; (b) every passenger reads and understands English. For many years, every LI BUS has had a sign taped on the front windshield and/or behind the driver stating "EASTBOUND LI BUSES DO NOT DROP OFF PASSENGERS IN QUEENS".

Virtually every time I've ridden an N20 or 21 out of Flushing, SOMEONE inevitably rings the bell along Sanford Avenue. If the driver doesn't stop, the offended passenger starts jabbering in his/her language- or simply waits until the next time the driver stops to pick someone up and gets off there. Sometimes the driver just shrugs and opens the door anyway.

This doesn't always seem to be a case of ignorance. A lot of people who do this are carrying huge parcels and shopping bags from popular stores known to be in Manhattan or downtown Flushing. So they're probably from the neighborhood and would rather use their own private Limited than the crummy Q12 local.

Or, as one driver said "Listen, you try to pull this every week! You wanna get off here, use the Q12- or you stay on to City Line!" Of course, they get off the next time someone gets on.


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