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Re: Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign

Posted by Stephen Bauman on Fri Oct 11 17:19:26 2024, in response to Re: Brooklyn Bus Network Redesign, posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Oct 11 09:50:44 2024.

Your plan, as well as the MTA's, lacks information that would permit comparison with the present, according to metrics that consider the entire service area.

The missing data is a complete schedule, that can be analyzed by computer. The schedule would include the specific geographic coordinates the stops, and route. It would include the stop times for each trip. There is a nearly universal standard format for the data. Such data is available for the MTA since late 2013.

Also needed is a metric by which to compare schedules. This metric should be meaningful to the rider, not the operator or planner. My suggestion for such a metric is the total journey time from home to the closest subway station or even the time from home to a point in Manhattan. This metric could be viewed in total (24/7 for the entire service area) or by periods of the day and different sub areas. The metric could be weighted by population or jobs at the trip origin or destination. That's a more comprehensive metric from the riders' perspective than bus speed, distance between stops, bus frequency, etc.

Finally, there has to be a cost metric associated with any plan. My suggestion would be the number of scheduled-miles or scheduled-hours. The MTA operates the least efficient bus service in the world by a large margin.

By service efficiency I mean $/service-mile or $/service-hour. The NTD metric is vehicle-revenue-mile or vehicle-revenue-hour. The problem is this metric also includes layover time. There's also the NTD's total-vehicle-miles and total-vehicle-hours which include travel between depot and first/last stops for each vehicle. The non-revenue time spent in layovers and travel to/from depots, compared to other operations, is one of the factors that cause the MTA's massive service inefficiency.


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