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Re: Bronx Bus Network Redesign Final Plan Addendum

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Dec 7 02:31:00 2021, in response to Re: Bronx Bus Network Redesign Final Plan Addendum, posted by New Flyer #857 on Mon Dec 6 09:57:15 2021.

For interborough routes, stops were only decided for the Queens portion of those routes (Or at least, that was how it was originally set up. I see now they added the QT35, QT50, and M60 in their respective boroughs). I would imagine the Brooklyn planners would try to keep the spacing consistent with that in Queens (e.g. QT24 & QT56 probably have a similar stop spacing to the present-day Q24 & Q56, while the QT5 would probably only make major stops in Brooklyn).

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